Case Studies

With Rimac, The Fastest Electric Hypercars Finally Reach The Cloud

Written by UberCloud | Jun 4, 2024 12:47:40 PM

In 2021, Rimac and Simr forged a partnership, with a need for optimized innovation at its core. Rimac Technology engineers were running more and more simulations with an aging, on-premises high performance computing (HPC) cluster. While compute power continued to fall short, the demand for resources continued to grow exponentially. 

During the six months, the partners worked together on implementing a fully automated self-service engineering simulation platform in Rimac’ Azure account and moved several engineering simulations on the Azure Simr. Designing and configuring the Azure cloud environment specifically for Rimac’s needs, this included cloud-enabling Ansys and other CAE software. Would Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of operating in the cloud versus on-premise lead to meaningful savings, and put Rimac in a position to achieve new cost efficiencies? The team had its work cut out for it.

In our new Rimac/Simr case study, we elaborate on:

  • Optimizing simulations with high-performance computing in the cloud
  • The story of Rimac and UberCloud’s partnership
  • Rimac Technology: Tracking the Results
  • What Simr Can Do for You: Drawing Lessons from Rimac Technology
  • Challenges of adopting HPC in the cloud for manufacturing


Using the UberCloud platform and powering our engineering simulations with 3rd Gen AMD EPYC CPUs running on latest Azure HPC cloud infrastructure,” noted a Rimac executive, “our expert simulations engineers strive for the best battery performance and even more powerful and efficient powertrain components.”