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Convincing Your Executives to Go Cloud

Written by Thomas Francis | May 20, 2019 4:50:12 PM

Cloud computing is already the default IT platform for most organizations. But before investing in a journey to the cloud, your executives need to clearly understand the business benefits. Vague promises of “faster innovation” and “do more with less” don't cut it. You need to enumerate in detail how the cloud will improve business outcomes. Here are three practical benefits you can give your executives to convince them to go cloud.

1. Cloud drives revenue growth

Product innovation is so vital to organizations that it needs to be the centerpiece of the business’s growth strategy. Cloud computing shortens the time to develop and launch products, and enables your organization to focus on strategic initiatives rather than tactical ones. Survey after survey has shown that today's IT dollars are mostly spent keeping existing systems operational, and precious little is left to innovate. By using cloud computing you can effectively outsource the operational upkeep of infrastructure, and switch your organization's focus to innovation. This can open up hitherto closed opportunities.

Cloud computing has evolved from a cost-saving exercise that improves bottom-line, to one that helps companies of all sizes drive top-line growth. Forrester says that already, over 50% of global enterprises are relying on public cloud platforms to drive digital transformation and delight their customers.

2. Cloud gives your business agility

Hardware utilization in most companies follows peaks and valleys. To accommodate this shifting demand, you often need to buy new hardware quickly. But the reality is that it can take months to open a purchase order and buy and install new hardware.

On the flip side is the inflexibility when work is reduced. You continue to pay for unused resources because the hardware is depreciating on your books. The cloud lets organizations avoid committing to buying expensive hardware resources upfront in the hope that business opportunities will follow. Instead, the infrastructure adapts to your business conditions.

3. Cloud lets you maximize your ROI

Calculating the ROI of IT has always been a black art. Tying the actual IT resources used, to the revenue generated is a very difficult exercise that few IT teams have the tools to undertake. With cloud computing, managers can finally produce objective reports to help executives clearly see which projects should be allocated more resources and which ones are not producing the desired outcomes and can be terminated.

The granular nature of cloud consumption reporting gives your organization total transparency and lets you selectively prioritize initiatives contributing to revenue growth, and assign more resources to such efforts. This enables resource allocation that is based on revenue-generated, rather than outdated measures that take a peanut-butter approach to IT cost allocation.

In summary, cloud computing is a “game changer” that drives revenue for businesses. The companies that adopt this proven technology have seen improvements across the board, and the ones who delay will be left behind. Getting executive buy-in is a necessary first step that can be achieved by clearly articulating the tangible benefits to the company.

UberCloud can help you make the case with your executives. Download the Cloud Executive Value Guide Now!