Worldwide HPC User Group Conference, High Performance Consortium for Advanced Scientific and Technical, HP-CAST 31 will be held on November 9-10, 2018 in Dallas, Texas.
Please join UberCloud for a 'Clouds for HPC' workshop covering 'Technology Updates on HPC Application Modernization', Saturday, November 10 at 11am.
Agenda for HP-CAST 31 includes talks on the following topics:
HPC, AI, and Big data relevant product positioning and in-depth product roadmaps
Future technologies update including Gen-Z and exascale
Beyond the cluster as we know it, a look at memory centric architectures and software
Scalable Storage, Data Management and Protection for HPC and AI Workflows
An expanded look at software, HPC workflows, and an update on HPE’s HPC Software Portfolio for Intel, Arm, NVIDIA, and AMD
A deep dive of HPE’s leadership at HPC IaaS, and PaaS for HPC
Artificial Intelligence Solutions, Deep Learning Frameworks, Reference Architectures and Processor/Accelerator specific solutions
You can find a detailed agenda with all the talks and lectures here.