The UberCloud Events

9-10 Nov - HP-CAST 31

Written by Thomas Francis | Oct 16, 2018 8:03:00 PM


Worldwide HPC User Group Conference, High Performance Consortium for Advanced Scientific and Technical, HP-CAST 31 will be held on November 9-10, 2018 in Dallas, Texas.


Please join UberCloud for a 'Clouds for HPC' workshop covering 'Technology Updates on HPC Application Modernization', Saturday, November 10 at 11am.


Agenda for HP-CAST 31 includes talks on the following topics:


  • HPC, AI, and Big data relevant product positioning and in-depth product roadmaps

  • Future technologies update including Gen-Z and exascale

  • Beyond the cluster as we know it, a look at memory centric architectures and software

  • Scalable Storage, Data Management and Protection for HPC and AI Workflows

  • An expanded look at software, HPC workflows, and an update on HPE’s HPC Software Portfolio for Intel, Arm, NVIDIA, and AMD

  • A deep dive of HPE’s leadership at HPC IaaS, and PaaS for HPC

  • Artificial Intelligence Solutions, Deep Learning Frameworks, Reference Architectures and Processor/Accelerator specific solutions


You can find a detailed agenda with all the talks and lectures here.